Horn IPA

Horn IPA (5,5 % ABV) is a well balanced, bitter IPA. It's hearty malts base is crowned with American aroma hops.
The malts base of Horn IPA compelents it's very pleasing hop profile. In addtition to the bitterness of the hops, their floral and fruity nuances get the stage.
The use of American hop varieties have given interesting divisions to this new product.
Bastion Horn protects Suomenlinna
Horn got it's name from a bastion structure on Iso Mustasaari on Suomenlinna. It was built in 1774-1775 to unify the eastern line of defence of the fortress.
Horn IPA debuted strong at Helsinki Beer Festival in April 2018 and won it's category! Now it's available in grocery stores and restaurants throughout the country.